
What me and so many other anons and truthers have been saying for years about pedophilia and child trafficking in Hollywood and politics is finally being talked about in the mainstream, leaving the confines of “conspiracy theory.” If Bill Maher is covering this on Real Time, and Yahoo is covering Bill Maher’s coverage, and HBO is running Quiet on Set, and the internet can’t stop talking about P. Diddy’s decades of sex and child trafficking, you know it’s disclosure time. Maher: “We’re so tribal now, the Left will overlook child fucking if the guy from the wrong party calls it out.” His analysis (his writers’ analysis, that is) is naive and crude, to say the least. Raping and trafficking children is not child fucking. Nor is perverting children and childhood in the name of gender ideology, progressive, as Maher notes.

I will refer again to my post on the Disney, CIA, Illuminati matrix.

Mark Whalberg: “Hollywood pedophiles have no where left to hide" Spoken by a major Hollywood insider. You do the math.

Our world has been so fucking evil and gross.

We gave children away and we were given away. We gave ourselves away.

There will be more disclosure to come. This is just the beginning.



