
"All Americans have to do is unplug the bananas from their ears, open up their eyes and they can see it"

This is from a long interview with Yuri Bezmenov in 1984 on "The Four Stages of Ideological Subversion" and intellectual dishonesty, which is so rampant amongst my supposed peers and colleagues today, who say absolutely nothing about the tyranny that is building all around us. They're too busy pandering. All they care about is advancing their own identities and careers. Even artists, writers, and intellectuals I once respected. I love that Bezmenov talks about how these kind of systems of collective tyranny and censorship inherently result in split personalities and duplicity, which is what my book ACTING is about. The one good thing about today's intellectual dishonesty and immorality is that I no longer have any desire to be part of it. And I finally understand why they don't want me to be either. They never have. I have never been recruitable and that has always been my great sin.

Bezemov's simple and direct instruction reminds me of what Dr. Northrup always says, "They're showing us who they are. They're not even hiding it." It's in plain sight. The reason the COVID-regime works so well is because people don't want to be free, they want power. They have become what Bezemov succinctly refers to as "a bunch of political prostitutes."

Bezemov on his exploitation of foreign diplomats and intellectuals in the 1960s and 70s:

"Most of them pretended that they didn't understand that we were working on behalf of the Soviet government and the KGB. They pretended they were guests, VIP intellectuals; treated according to their merits and intellectual abilities. For us, they were just a bunch of political prostitutes to be taken advantage of for various propaganda operations; anticipating another ideological victim of brainwashing."

Today's American artists and intellectuals have been completely weaponized. Neutered. Bought off. Therefore they have nothing to offer anymore.

Home/Is where I want to be


Happy New Year!



